Washington Green HOA

This site has been created for the residents of the Washington Green subdivision in southern Jefferson County, Kentucky. You can find links to our governing documents, our meeting minutes, and link to the Nextdoor App to keep in touch with your neighbors.

Important Announcements:

Street Parking

Please be aware that, per Article 11, Section 2.03 of our Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR):

“No automobile shall be continuously or habitually parked on any street or public right-of-way in Washington Green.”

Such vehicles may cause an obstruction to service vehicles (e.g., snow removal) needing to access the street and other areas within the neighborhood. Please note that homes found in violation of this CCR will receive varying levels of enforcement, including potential fines, until the violation has been resolved. If you have further questions, please review our governing documents and feel free to email the board at washingtongreenhoa@gmail.com.

2025 Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 2pm. Please follow the zoom link below to join us! If a passcode is requested, please enter “washgreen”. If you have any questions or issues with the link, please contact washingtongreenhoa@gmail.com.

Notes from previous meetings can be found on the Documents page.

Quarterly Board Meetings

We welcome all neighbors to attend our regular quarterly board meetings, which will be posted here in January 2025.

Dues Payment

We are pleased to offer online dues payments for those neighbors who would like to remit payment with credit or debit card rather than via check. Please navigate to the “Pay Dues” tab above or follow the link below.

Pet Waste Disposal

In an effort to respect the property of our neighbors, we would ask all homeowners to please pick up after your pets if they leave waste in a neighbor’s yard. We have installed pet waste stations throughout the neighborhood for your convenience. Thank you for helping us make our neighborhood a pleasant community!

Important Clarifications

After consultation with the HOA attorney, the language in our current CCR’s only prohibits temporary lawn sheds, such as would be erected by developers. It does not specifically prohibit permanent lawn sheds. Thus, lawn sheds would be allowed in Washington green IF a property modification form is submitted to the board for review and if lawn sheds are in keeping with the requirements posted in the Covenants and Documents section of the website. To formally address lawn sheds, basketball goals, satellite dishes, etc, we still need participation from all neighbors in the Amendment Voting. PLEASE VOTE! If you have further questions, feel free to email the board at washingtongreenhoa@gmail.com.

Street Name Change Pending

Phase 2 construction is underway. The plans that were passed by the city will no longer connect the two forks of Washington Green Road. Because of this, one or both streets must be renamed.  In order to best serve current neighbors, we have been prompted to propose the new street names for the streets when the time comes to request street name change by the developer. There is no promise that our proposal will be accepted by the Land Development and Transportation Committee and Metrosafe, but we hope that our suggestion is considered.  Stay tuned for any further updates. If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to washingtongreenhoa@gmail.com

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HOA Board Members

President: Sara Woodring

Vice President: Angela Hardin

Treasurer: Pat Logsdon

Secretary: Shantel Crosby

Board Member at Large: Reginald Davis

Board Member at Large: Chenh Hong